Build Our School

Opportunities for Service


The following list of projects are opportunities to complete your 10 service hours.  We provide the materials, but are seeking parents to help accomplish these tasks.

Room parents 
Team parents for all sports
Vending for the home games
Power Washing

Are you able to help with one of these projects, or do you have another idea?  Please complete the Volunteer Form and let us know about your gifts and talents.

Volunteer Form

Projects in Need of Funding

The following is a list of projects that we would love to see accomplished in the upcoming months and years.  Often a parent, grandparent, or other friend of the ministry shares the same burden for the ministry and feels drawn to funding a project.  We list these projects here for your prayer and consideration:


Landscaping of the front of the school
Repaving of our parking lots
??? Your ideas ???

Are you able to help?  Please contact us as

Colonial Christian School
17105 SW 296 Street | Homestead, FL 33030
Tel: (305) 246-8608 | Fax: (305) 246-1542