Challenge from the Pastor
Dear Parents,
An argument often times used against Christian schools is that they fail to properly prepare students for the “real world” outside the classroom. This statement begs the question, what then is the real world? The most common answer is rather vague, but most would say the “real world” means life outside of home and school. If that is the case, then what do we call life inside the home and school?
The Scriptures give us the definition of the real world by the apostle Paul in his presentation to the Athenian philosophers of his day. “God that made the world and all things therein… He gives to all life, and breath, and all things…For in him we live, and move, and have our being…(Acts 17:24-28). In other words, God created life, He sustains life and created beings cannot exist without God. This is reality: in the home, the classroom or the athletic field. So a proper education is one that is rooted in the Author and Creator of the world and the universe and therefore, will adequately answer the questions of world events and human behavior. Christian education teaches young people the reality of God, that this God has spoken through His Son and the Scriptures, and what He says matters – eternally. Crime, corruption and greed (the reality of sin) are the result of mankind being born with a propensity to sin. God’s love for sinful man was demonstrated by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and those who turn to Him through saving faith in Christ are given eternal life (the reality of God’s mercy). Ignorance of this truth is to be “out of touch” with reality and can be eternally fatal.
Colonial Christian School is committed to preparing students for life through all the core subjects of the academic curriculum and through the study of the Scriptures. The precision and order of mathematical equations display God’s orderliness in creation. History is an account of God’s dealings with mankind throughout the ages, while science confirms the existence of God by a thousand evidences that point to the Creator and not to a random process. Our goal is that students will be brought back to reality through spiritual and academic training that will turn their hearts to the one true God and fully equip them to be useful and productive in society.
I welcome you and your child to Colonial Christian School, and consider it both an honor and a duty to care for their educational process. It is my prayer that your child will be trained and experienced in this real world that God has created and revealed to us during their enrollment at CCS.
In His Service,
Pastor Bill Long
Senior Pastor
South Dade Baptist Church
Colonial Christian School
17105 SW 296 Street | Homestead, FL 33030
Tel: (305) 246-8608 | Fax: (305) 246-1542